Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Hold all mail as I'm moving. Just got word I'm to pack my bags and relocate to a camp near Lashkar Gah in Helmand Province so my mailing address will change. That's the Southern part of Afghanistan and is currently under the control of British forces. It will take a few days to fly out of here as recent snowfall has grounded most air traffic in country. S-3 told me to make sure I wore my body armor. That's reassuring......

Just as well - it was time for a change. The Chief of Construction told me the move should not interfere with my mid-tour R&R the last 2 weeks of March as they'll send me another soldier before I depart for that. Let's hope so. Very small US contingent down there. Sounds like they found an even smaller group of US men to put me in charge of than I've got at the bridge.....and that's hard to do! We just don't have enough soldiers in our command to staff all these small outposts. I will, once again, be the only soldier on site so will be responsible for the security of the Corps of Engineer civilians there. We've got a brand new HMMWV gun truck there also. Too bad we can't use it as it takes at least 2 soldiers to man it. Well, here comes Part Two of my adventure.

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